Part III | Model 6600 | |
Thisinstrumentemploysasyntheticopticalfilterthatcanbeoperated manuallyorautomaticallywhichsimulatestheabsorptioncharacteristicsofthe requiredspanfluid.
After the analyzer has been zeroed and spanned with known compositions of the appropriate calibration fluids, the span filter is setup for manual or auto- matic operation when introduced with a zero prepared fluid in the cell (Note: this fluid may be clean air or N2 for very clean water stream applications, i.e., clean condensates) and the appropriate equivalent absorption recorded. Use this settingforallsubsequentautocalibrationsinvolvingthespanfilter.
Sample System
Please refer to all pertinent sections of the 6600 Oil in Water manual for operation of the Oil in water analyzer and sample system.
5.6.4Calibration by Correlation with Laboratory Analysis
Because of the nature of the analysis, and the unique manner in which it is accomplished, laboratory confirmation is recommended, particularly where initial calibration was accomplished with oil not actually recovered from the sample water.
The laboratory analytical method employed must be capable of detect- ing both dissolved and undissolved oil fractions in the sample. We recom- mend EPA method 413.1 (Replaced by method 1664A, gravemetric using hexane extracting solvent) for sampling and analyzing as mentioned in section 1.0 of the introduction.
Meaningful determination of the system’s capabilities requires precise acquisition and processing of grab samples. Adhere to the following proce- dures:
1.Insure that the system is functioning correctly as described earlier in this manual.
2.Do not attempt to grab samples when the analyzer is indicating drastic changes in oil concentration.
3.Draw two