Parametric Graphing 4-3
8304PARA.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:17 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:36
PM Page 3 of 8
The horizontal component vector is
defined by X3T and Y3T.
6. Press ~ 2, and then press 1 Í to
define X3T. Press 0 Í to define Y3T.
7. Press | | } Í to change the graph
style to è for X3T and Y3T. Press } Í
Í to change the graph style to ë for
X2T and Y2T. Press } Í Í to
change the graph style to ë for X1T and Y1T.
(These keystrokes assume that all graph
styles were set to ç originally.)
8. Press p. Enter these values for the
window variables.
Tmin=0 Xmin=L10 Ymin=L5
Tmax=5 Xmax=100 Ymax=15
Tstep=.1 Xscl=50 Yscl=10
9. Press y [FORMAT] † † † ~ Í to set
AxesOff, which turns off the axes.
10.Press s. The plotting action
simultaneously shows the ball in flight and
the vertical and horizontal component
vectors of the motion.
Tip: To simulate the ball flying through the air, set
graph style to ì (animate) for X1T and Y1T.
11.Press r to obtain numerical results
and answer the questions at the beginning
of this section.
Tracing begins at Tmin on the first
parametric equation (X1T and Y1T). As you
press ~ to trace the curve, the cursor
follows the path of the ball over time. The
values for X (distance), Y (height), and T
(time) are displayed at the bottom of the