Sequence Graphing 6-9
8306SEQN.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:22 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:36
PM Page 9 of 16
The free-moving cursor in Seq graphing works the same as
in Func graphing. In RectGC format, moving the cursor
updates the values of X and Y; if CoordOn format is
selected, X and Y are displayed. In PolarGC format, X, Y, R,
and q are updated; if CoordOn format is selected, R and q
are displayed.
The axes format setting affects TRACE.
When Time, uv, vw, or uw axes format is selected, TRACE
moves the cursor along the sequence one PlotStep
increment at a time. To move five plotted points at once,
press y ~ or y |.
When you begin a trace, the trace cursor is on the first
selected sequence at the term number specified by
PlotStart, even if it is outside the viewing window.
Quick Zoom applies to all directions. To center the
viewing window on the current cursor location after
you have moved the trace cursor, press Í. The
trace cursor returns to
In Web format, the trail of the cursor helps identify points
with attracting and repelling behavior in the sequence.
When you begin a trace, the cursor is on the x-axis at the
initial value of the first selected function.
Tip: To move the cursor to a specified
during a trace, enter a value
, and press Í. For example, to quickly return the cursor to the
beginning of the sequence, paste
Min to the
= prompt and press
To move the trace cursor to any valid
value on the
current function, enter the number. When you enter the
first digit, an
= prompt and the number you entered are
displayed in the bottom-left corner of the screen. You can
enter an expression at the
= prompt. The value must be
valid for the current viewing window. When you have
completed the entry, press Í to move the cursor.
Exploring Sequence Graphs
Moving the Trace
Cursor to Any