8-10 DRAW Instructions
8308DRAW.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:29 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:49
PM Page 10 of 20
To shade an area on a graph, select 7:Shade( from the
DRAW menu. The instruction is pasted to the home screen
or to the program editor.
Shade( draws lowerfunc and upperfunc in terms of X on
the current graph and shades the area that is specifically
above lowerfunc and below upperfunc. Only the areas
where lowerfunc < upperfunc are shaded.
Xleft and Xright, if included, specify left and right
boundaries for the shading. Xleft and Xright must be
numbers between Xmin and Xmax, which are the defaults.
pattern specifies one of four shading patterns.
pattern=1vertical (default)
pattern=3negative—slope 45¡
pattern=4positive—slope 45¡
patres specifies one of eight shading resolutions.
patres=1shades every pixel (default)
patres=2shades every second pixel
patres=3shades every third pixel
patres=4shades every fourth pixel
patres=5shades every fifth pixel
patres=6shades every sixth pixel
patres=7shades every seventh pixel
patres=8shades every eighth pixel
Shading Areas on a Graph
Shading a Graph