2-22 Math, Angle, and Test Operations
8302MATH.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:12 PM Printed: 02/19/01 2:27
PM Page 22 of 26
randInt( (random integer) generates and displays a random
integer within a range specified by lower and upper integer
bounds. To generate a list of random numbers, specify an
integer >1 for numtrials (number of trials); if not
specified, the default is 1.
randNorm( (random Normal) generates and displays a
random real number from a specified Normal distribution.
Each generated value could be any real number, but most
will be within the interval [mN3(s), m+3(s)]. To generate a
list of random numbers, specify an integer > 1 for
numtrials (number of trials); if not specified, the default
is 1.
randBin( (random Binomial) generates and displays a
random integer from a specified Binomial distribution.
numtrials (number of trials) must be ‚ 1. prob (probability
of success) must be ‚ 0 and 1. To generate a list of
random numbers, specify an integer > 1 for
numsimulations (number of simulations); if not specified,
the default is 1.
Note: The seed value stored to rand also affects randInt(,
randNorm(, and randBin( instructions (page 2-20).