Financial Functions 14-13
8314FINA.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:50 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:38 PM
Page 13 of 14
Use the date function dbd( (menu item D) to calculate the
number of days between two dates using the actual-day-
count method. date1 and date2 can be numbers or lists of
numbers within the range of the dates on the standard
Note: Dates must be between the years 1950 through 2049.
You can enter date1 and date2 in either of two formats.
MM.DDYY (United States)
DDMM.YY (Europe)
The decimal placement differentiates the date formats.
Pmt_End and Pmt_Bgn (menu items E and F) specify a
transaction as an ordinary annuity or an annuity due. When
you execute either command, the TVM Solver is updated.
Pmt_End (payment end) specifies an ordinary annuity,
where payments occur at the end of each payment period.
Most loans are in this category. Pmt_End is the default.
On the TVM Solver’s PMT:END BEGIN line, select END to set
PMT to ordinary annuity.
Pmt_Bgn (payment beginning) specifies an annuity due,
where payments occur at the beginning of each payment
period. Most leases are in this category.
On the TVM Solver’s PMT:END BEGIN line, select BEGIN to
set PMT to annuity due.
Finding Days between Dates/Defining Payment Method
Defining the
Payment Method