Programming 16-21
8316PROG.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:23 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:39
PM Page 21 of 22
GetCalc( gets the contents of variable on another TI-83 and
stores it to variable on the receiving TI-83. variable can be
a real or complex number, list element, list name, matrix
element, matrix name, string, Y= variable, graph database,
or picture.
Note: GetCalc( does not work between TI.82s and TI-83s.
Get( gets data from the Calculator-Based Laboratoryé
(CBL 2é, CBLé) System or Calculator-Based Rangeré
(CBRé) and stores it to variable on the receiving TI-83.
variable can be a real number, list element, list name,
matrix element, matrix name, string, Y= variable, graph
database, or picture.
Note: If you transfer a program that references the Get( command to
the TI-83 from a TI.82, the TI-83 will interpret it as the Get( described
above. Use GetCalc( to get data from another TI-83.
Send( sends the contents of variable to the CBL 2/CBL or
CBR. You cannot use it to send to another TI-83. variable
can be a real number, list element, list name, matrix
element, matrix name, string, Y= variable, graph database,
or picture. variable can be a list of elements.
Note: This program gets sound data
and time in seconds from
Note: You can access Get(, Send(, and GetCalc( from the
CATALOG to execute them from the home screen (Chapter 15).
Get(, Send(