Math, Angle, and Test Operations 2-11
4. Edit bound={lower,upper}. lower and upper are the
bounds between which the TI-83 searches for a solution.
This is optional, but it may help find the solution more
quickly. The default is bound={L1å99,1å99}.
5. Move the cursor to the variable for which you want to
solve and press ƒ [SOLVE] (above the Í key).
The solution is displayed next to the variable for
which you solved. A solid square in the first column
marks the variable for which you solved and
indicates that the equation is balanced. An ellipsis
shows that the value continues beyond the screen.
Note: When a number continues beyond the screen, be sure to
press ~ to scroll to the end of the number to see whether it
ends with a negative or positive exponent. A very small number
may appear to be a large number until you scroll right to see
the exponent.
The values of the variables are updated in memory.
leftNrt=diff is displayed in the last line of the editor.
diff is the difference between the left and right sides
of the equation. A solid square in the first column
next to leftNrt= indicates that the equation has been
evaluated at the new value of the variable for which
you solved.