11-10 Lists
8311LIST.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:21 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37 PM
Page 10 of 18
To display the LIST OPS menu, press y [LIST] ~.
1:SortA( Sorts lists in ascending order.
2:SortD( Sorts lists in descending order.
3:dim( Sets the list dimension.
4:Fill( Fills all elements with a constant.
5:seq( Creates a sequence.
6:cumSum( Returns a list of cumulative sums.
7:@List( Returns difference of successive elements.
8:Select( Selects specific data points.
9:augment( Concatenates two lists.
0:List4matr( Stores a list to a matrix.
A:Matr4list( Stores a matrix to a list.
B:ÙDesignates the list-name data type.
SortA( (sort ascending) sorts list elements from low to high
values. SortD( (sort descending) sorts list elements from
high to low values. Complex lists are sorted based on
magnitude (modulus).
With one list, SortA( and SortD( sort the elements of
listname and update the list in memory.
SortA(listname) SortD(listname)
With two or more lists, SortA( and SortD( sort keylistname,
and then sort each dependlist by placing its elements in the
same order as the corresponding elements in keylistname.
All lists must have the same dimension.
SortA(keylistname,dependlist1[,dependlist2,...,dependlist n])
SortD(keylistname,dependlist1[,dependlist2,...,dependlist n])
Note: In the example, 5 is the first element in L4, and 1 is the first
element in L5. After SortA(L4,L5), 5 becomes the second element of
L4, and likewise, 1 becomes the second element of L5.
Note: SortA( and SortD( are the same as SortA( and SortD( on the
STAT EDIT menu (Chapter 12).
SortA(, SortD(