8399INDX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/20/01 10:54 AM Printed: 02/21/01 8:40
AM Page 3 of 16
. D (continued) .
coshM1( (hyperbolic arccosine), 15-10,
cosine (cos(), 2-3, A-5
cross pixel mark (+), 8-15, 12-34
cube (3),
2-6, A-35
cube root (3‡(), 2-6, A-35
CubicReg (cubic regression), 12-26,
cubic regression (CubicReg), 12-26,
cumulative sum (cumSum(), 10-15,
11-12, A-5
cumSum( (cumulative sum), 10-15,
11-12, A-5
cursors, 1-5, 1-8
C/Y (compounding-periods-per-year
variable), 14-4, 14-14
. D .Data input option, 13-6, 13-7
days between dates (dbd(), 14-13, A-5,
dbd( (days between dates), 14-13, A-5,
4Dec (to decimal conversion), 2-5, A-5
decimal mode (float or fixed), 1-10
decrement and skip (DS<(), 16-14, A-7
definite integral, 2-7, 3-28, 4-8, 5-6
Degree angle mode, 1-11, 2-23, A-6
degrees notation (¡),
2-3, A-34
DELETE FROM menu, 18-3
delete variable contents (DelVar),
16-15, A-6
DelVar (delete variable contents),
16-15, A-6
DependAsk, 7-3, 7-5, A-6
DependAuto, 7-3, 7-5, A-6
derivative. See numerical derivative
det( (determinant), 10-12, A-6
determinant (det(), 10-12, A-6
DiagnosticOff, 12-23, A-6
DiagnosticOn, 12-23, A-6
diagnostics display mode(r, r2, R2),
differentiation, 2-8, 3-28, 4-8, 5-6
. D (continued) .
dimensioning a list or matrix, 10-12,
10-13, 11-11, A-6
dim( (dimension), 10-12, 11-11, A-6
!dim( (assign dimension), 10-13,
11-11, A-6
Disp (display), 16-18, A-6
DispGraph (display graph), 16-19, A-7
display contrast, 1-3
display cursors, 1-5
DispTable (display table), 16-19, A-7
DISTR (distributions menu), 13-29
DISTR DRAW (distributions drawing
menu), 13-35
distribution functions
binomcdf(, 13-33, A-3
binompdf(, 13-33, A-3
c2cdf(, 13-31, A-3
c2pdf(, 13-31, A-4
Ûcdf(, 13-32, A-8
Ûpdf(, 13-32, A-9
geometcdf(, 13-34, A-10
geometpdf(, 13-34, A-11
invNorm(, 13-30, A-12
normalcdf(, 13-30, A-17
normalpdf(, 13-29, A-17
poissoncdf(, 13-34, A-99
poissonpdf(, 13-33, A-19
tcdf(, 13-31, A-29
tpdf(, 13-30, A-29
distribution shading instructions
Shadec2(, 13-36, A-26
ShadeÛ(, 13-36, A-27
ShadeNorm(, 13-35, A-27
Shade_t(, 13-36, A-27
division (à),
2-3, A-37
DMS (degrees/minutes/seconds entry
notation), 2-23, A-38
4DMS (to degrees/minutes/seconds),
2-24, A-7
dot graph style (í), 3-9
dot pixel mark (¦), 8-15, 12-34
Dot (plotting mode), 1-11, A-7
DrawF (draw a function), 8-9, A-7