Applications 17-11
8317APPS.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:00 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:39 PM
Page 11 of 20
Find the area of the region bounded by
f(x) = 300x/ (x2 + 625)
g(x) = 3cos(.1x)
x = 75
1. Press z. Select the default mode settings.
2. Press p. Set the viewing window.
Xmin=0 Ymin=L5
Xmax=100 Ymax=10
Xscl=10 Yscl=1
3. Press o. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the
upper and lower functions.
4. Press y [CALC] 5 to select 5:Intersect. The graph is
displayed. Select a first curve, second curve, and guess
for the intersection toward the left side of the display.
The solution is displayed, and the value of X at the
intersection, which is the lower limit of the integral, is
stored in Ans and X.
5. Press y [QUIT] to go to the home screen. Press
y [DRAW] 7 and use Shade( to see the area graphically.
6. Press y [QUIT] to return to the home screen. Enter the
expression to evaluate the integral for the shaded
The area is 325.839962.
Finding the Area between CurvesProblem