Lists 11-11
8311LIST.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:21 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37 PM
Page 11 of 18
dim( (dimension) returns the length (number of elements)
of list.
You can use dim( with ¿ to create a new listname with
dimension length from 1 to 999. The elements are zeros.
You can use dim with ¿ to redimension an existing
listname to dimension length from 1 to 999.
The elements in the old listname that are within the
new dimension are not changed.
Extra list elements are filled by 0.
Elements in the old list that are outside the new
dimension are deleted.
Fill( replaces each element in listname with value.
Note: dim( and Fill( are the same as dim( and Fill( on the MATRX
MATH menu (Chapter 10).
Using dim( to
Find List
Using dim( to
Create a List
Using dim( to
Redimension a