12-2 Statistics
8312STAT.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:42 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37
PM Page 2 of 38
Getting Started is a fast-paced introduction. Read the chapter for details.
A group of students is attempting to determine the mathematical relationship
between the length of a pendulum and its period (one complete swing of a
pendulum). The group makes a simple pendulum from string and washers and
then suspends it from the ceiling. They record the pendulum’s period for each
of 12 string lengths.*
Length (cm) Time (sec)
6.5 0.51
11.0 0.68
13.2 0.73
15.0 0.79
18.0 0.88
23.1 0.99
24.4 1.01
26.6 1.08
30.5 1.13
34.3 1.26
37.6 1.28
41.5 1.32
1. Press z Í to set Func
graphing mode.
2. Press 5 to select 5:SetUpEditor.
SetUpEditor is pasted to the home
Press Í. This removes lists from stat
list editor columns 1 through 20, and
then stores lists L1 through L6 in
columns 1 through 6.
Note: Removing lists from the stat list editor does not
delete them from memory.
3. Press 1 to select 1:Edit from the
STAT EDIT menu. The stat list editor is
displayed. If elements are stored in L1
and L2, press } to move the cursor onto
L1, and then press Í ~ }
Í to clear both lists. Press |
to move the rectangular cursor back to
the first row in L1.
*This example is quoted and adapted from Contemporary Precalculus Through Applications,
by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, by permission of Janson
Publications, Inc., Dedham, MA. 1-800-322-MATH. © 1992. All rights reserved.
Getting Started: Pendulum Lengths and Periods