12-36 Statistics
8312STAT.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:42 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37
PM Page 36 of 38
Stat plots are displayed on the current graph. To define the
viewing window, press p and enter values for the
window variables. ZoomStat redefines the viewing window
to display all statistical data points.
When you trace a scatter plot or xyLine, tracing begins at
the first element in the lists.
When you trace a histogram, the cursor moves from the
top center of one column to the top center of the next,
starting at the first column.
When you trace a box plot, tracing begins at Med (the
median). Press | to trace to Q1 and minX. Press ~ to trace
to Q3 and maxX.
When you press } or to move to another plot or to
another Y= function, tracing moves to the current or
beginning point on that plot (not the nearest pixel).
The ExprOn/ExprOff format setting applies to stat plots
(Chapter 3).When ExprOn is selected, the plot number and
plotted data lists are displayed in the top-left corner.
Defining the
Viewing Window
Tracing a Stat