12-20 Statistics
8312STAT.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:42 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37
PM Page 20 of 38
To display the STAT EDIT menu, press ….
1:Edit... Displays the stat list editor.
2:SortA( Sorts a list in ascending order.
3:SortD( Sorts a list in descending order.
4:ClrList Deletes all elements of a list.
5:SetUpEditor Stores lists in the stat list editor.
Note: Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics describes the STAT TESTS
menu items.
SortA( (sort ascending) sorts list elements from low to high
values. SortD( (sort descending) sorts list elements from
high to low values. Complex lists are sorted based on
magnitude (modulus). SortA( and SortD( each can sort in
either of two ways.
• With one listname, SortA( and SortD( sort the elements
in listname and update the list in memory.
• With two or more lists, SortA( and SortD( sort
keylistname, and then sort each dependlist by placing
its elements in the same order as the corresponding
elements in keylistname. This lets you sort two-variable
data on X and keep the data pairs together. All lists
must have the same dimension.
The sorted lists are updated in memory.
SortA(keylistname,dependlist1[,dependlist2,...,dependlist n])
SortD(keylistname,dependlist1[,dependlist2,...,dependlist n])
Note: SortA( and SortD( are the same as SortA( and SortD( on the
LIST OPS menu.
ClrList clears (deletes) from memory the elements of one
or more listnames. ClrList also detaches any formula
attached to a listname.
ClrList listname1,listname2,...,listname n
Note: To clear from memory all elements of all list names, use
ClrAllLists (Chapter 18).
SortA(, SortD(