Operating the TI-83 1-7
8301OPER.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:09 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:34
PM Page 7 of 24
To enter a number in scientific notation, follow these
1. Enter the part of the number that precedes the
exponent. This value can be an expression.
2. Press y [EE]. å is pasted to the cursor location.
3. If the exponent is negative, press Ì, and then enter the
exponent, which can be one or two digits.
When you enter a number in scientific notation, the TI.83
does not automatically display answers in scientific or
engineering notation. The mode settings (page 1.9) and the
size of the number determine the display format.
A function returns a value. For example, ÷, L, +, (, and log(
are the functions in the example on page 1.6. In general, the
first letter of each function is lowercase on the TI.83. Most
functions take at least one argument, as indicated by an open
parenthesis ( ( ) following the name. For example, sin(
requires one argument, sin(value).
An instruction initiates an action. For example, ClrDraw is
an instruction that clears any drawn elements from a
graph. Instructions cannot be used in expressions. In
general, the first letter of each instruction name is
uppercase. Some instructions take more than one
argument, as indicated by an open parenthesis ( ( ) at the
end of the name. For example, Circle( requires three
arguments, Circle(X,Y,radius).
To interrupt a calculation or graph in progress, which
would be indicated by the busy indicator, press É.
When you interrupt a calculation, the menu is displayed.
To return to the home screen, select 1:Quit.
To go to the location of the interruption, select 2:Goto.
When you interrupt a graph, a partial graph is displayed.
To return to the home screen, press or any
nongraphing key.
To restart graphing, press a graphing key or select a
graphing instruction.
Entering a
Number in
Interrupting a