3-18 Function Graphing
8303FUNC.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:16 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:35
PM Page 18 of 28
8303FUNC.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:16 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:35
PM Page 18 of 28
Use TRACE to move the cursor from one plotted point to
the next along a function. To begin a trace, press r. If
the graph is not displayed already, press r to display
it. The trace cursor is on the first selected function in the
Y= editor, at the middle X value on the screen. The cursor
coordinates are displayed at the bottom of the screen if
CoordOn format is selected. The Y= expression is displayed
in the top-left corner of the screen, if ExprOn format is
To move the TRACE cursor . . . do this:
. . . to the previous or next plotted
press | or ~.
. . . five plotted points on a function
(Xres affects this),
press y | or y
. . . to any valid X value on a function, enter a value, and
then press Í.
. . . from one function to another, press } or .
When the trace cursor moves along a function, the Y value
is calculated from the X value; that is, Y=Yn(X). If the
function is undefined at an X value, the Y value is blank.
If you move the trace cursor beyond the top or bottom of
the screen, the coordinate values at the bottom of the
screen continue to change appropriately.
To move the trace cursor from function to function, press
and }. The cursor follows the order of the selected
functions in the Y= editor. The trace cursor moves to each
function at the same X value. If ExprOn format is selected,
the expression is updated.
Exploring Graphs with TRACE
Beginning a
Moving the Trace
Moving the Trace
Cursor from
Function to
Trace cursor on the curve