Programming 16-11
8316PROG.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:23 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:39
PM Page 11 of 22
While performs a group of commands while condition is
true. condition is frequently a relational test (Chapter 2).
condition is tested when While is encountered. If
condition is true (nonzero), the program executes a group
of commands. End signifies the end of the group. When
condition is false (zero), the program executes each
command following End. While instructions can be nested.
:While condition
:command (while condition is true)
:command (while condition is true)
Program Output
Repeat repeats a group of commands until condition is
true (nonzero). It is similar to While, but condition is tested
when End is encountered; therefore, the group of
commands is always executed at least once. Repeat
instructions can be nested.
:Repeat condition
:command (until condition is true)
:command (until condition is true)
Program Output