General Information B-11
8399APXB.DOC TI-83 Intl English, Appendix B Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:12 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:41
PM Page 11 of 14
Cursor coordinates are displayed as eight-character
numbers (which may include a negative sign, decimal
point, and exponent) when Float mode is selected. X and Y
are updated with a maximum accuracy of eight digits.
minimum and maximum on the CALCULATE menu are
calculated with a tolerance of 1EL5; ‰f(x)dx is calculated at
1EL3. Therefore, the result displayed may not be accurate to
all eight displayed digits. For most functions, at least five
accurate digits exist. For fMin(, fMax(, and fnInt( on the
MATH menu and solve( in the CATALOG, the tolerance can
be specified.
Function Range of Input Values
sin x, cos x, tan x0 |x| < 1012 (radian or degree)
sinL1 x, cosL1 xL1 x 1
ln x, log x10L100 < x < 10100
exL10100 < x 230.25850929940
10xL10100 < x < 100
sinh x, cosh x|x| 230.25850929940
tanh x|x| < 10100
sinhL1 x|x| < 5 × 1099
coshL1 x1 x < 5 × 1099
tanhL1 xL1 < x < 1
‡x (real mode) 0 x < 10100
‡x (complex mode) |x| < 10100
!L.5 x 69, where x is a multiple of .5
Function Range of Result
sinL1 x, tanL1 xL90¡ to 90¡or Lpà2 to pà2 (radians)
cosL1 x0¡ to 180¡or 0 to p (radians)
Function Limits
Function Results