5-6 Polar Graphing
8305POLR.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:19 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:36
PM Page 6 of 6
The free-moving cursor in Pol graphing works the same as
in Func graphing. In RectGC format, moving the cursor
updates the values of X and Y; if CoordOn format is
selected, X and Y are displayed. In PolarGC format, X, Y, R,
and q are updated; if CoordOn format is selected, R and q
are displayed.
To activate TRACE, press r. When TRACE is active,
you can move the trace cursor along the graph of the
equation one qstep at a time. When you begin a trace, the
trace cursor is on the first selected function at qmin. If
ExprOn format is selected, then the equation is displayed.
In RectGC format, TRACE updates the values of X, Y, and q;
if CoordOn format is selected, X, Y, and q are displayed. In
PolarGC format, TRACE updates X, Y, R, and q; if CoordOn
format is selected, R and q are displayed.
To move five plotted points at a time on a function, press
y | or y ~. If you move the trace cursor beyond the
top or bottom of the screen, the coordinate values at the
bottom of the screen continue to change appropriately.
Quick Zoom is available in Pol graphing mode; panning is
not (Chapter 3).
To move the trace cursor to any valid q value on the
current function, enter the number. When you enter the
first digit, a q= prompt and the number you entered are
displayed in the bottom-left corner of the screen. You can
enter an expression at the q= prompt. The value must be
valid for the current viewing window. When you complete
the entry, press Í to move the cursor.
ZOOM operations in Pol graphing work the same as in Func
graphing. Only the X (Xmin, Xmax, and Xscl) and Y (Ymin,
Ymax, and Yscl) window variables are affected.
The q window variables (qmin, qmax, and qstep) are not
affected, except when you select ZStandard. The VARS
ZOOM secondary menu ZT/Zq items 4:Zqmin, 5:Zqmax, and
6:Zqstep are zoom memory variables for Pol graphing.
CALC operations in Pol graphing work the same as in Func
graphing. The CALCULATE menu items available in Pol
graphing are 1:value, 2:dy/dx, and 3:dr/dq.
Exploring Polar Graphs
Moving the Trace
Cursor to Any
Valid q Value