Math, Angle, and Test Operations 2-25
To display the TEST menu, press y [TEST].
This operator... Returns 1 (true) if...
2:ƒNot equal to
3:>Greater than
4:Greater than or equal to
5:<Less than
6:Less than or equal to
Relational operators compare valueA and valueB and
return 1 if the test is true or 0 if the test is false. valueA and
valueB can be real numbers, expressions, or lists. For =
and ƒ only, valueA and valueB also can be matrices or
complex numbers. If valueA and valueB are matrices, both
must have the same dimensions.
Relational operators are often used in programs to control
program flow and in graphing to control the graph of a
function over specific values.
valueA=valueB valueAƒvalueB
valueA>valueB valueAvalueB
valueA<valueB valueAvalueB
Relational operators are evaluated after mathematical
functions according to EOS rules (Chapter 1).
The expression 2+2=2+3 returns 0. The TI-83 performs
the addition first because of EOS rules, and then it
compares 4 to 5.
The expression 2+(2=2)+3 returns 6. The TI-83 performs
the relational test first because it is in parentheses, and
then it adds 2, 1, and 3.
TEST (Relational) Operations
=, ƒ,
>, ,
Using Tests