10-14 Matrices
8310MTRX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:35 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:36
PM Page 14 of 16
augment( appends matrixA to matrixB as new columns.
matrixA and matrixB both must have the same number of
Matr4list( (matrix stored to list) fills each listname with
elements from each column in matrix. Matr4list( ignores
extra listname arguments. Likewise, Matr4list( ignores
extra matrix columns.
Matr4list(matrix,listnameA,...,listname n)
Matr4list( also fills a listname with elements from a specified
column# in matrix. To fill a list with a specific column from
matrix, you must enter column# after matrix.
List4matr( (lists stored to matrix) fills matrixname column by
column with the elements from each list. If dimensions of all
lists are not equal, List4matr( fills each extra matrixname
row with 0. Complex lists are not valid.
List4matr(listA,...,list n,matrixname)