18-2 Memory Management
8318MEMR.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:01 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:40
PM Page 2 of 6
To display the MEMORY menu, press y [MEM].
1:Check RAM... Reports memory availability/usage.
2:Delete... Displays DELETE FROM menu.
3:Clear Entries Clears ENTRY (last-entry storage).
4:ClrAllLists Clears all lists in memory.
5:Reset... Displays RESET menu (all/defaults).
Check RAM displays the Check RAM screen. The top line
reports the total amount of available memory. The
remaining lines report the amount of memory each
variable type is using. You can check this screen to see
whether you need to delete variables from memory to
make room for new data, such as programs.
To check RAM usage, follow these steps.
1. Press y [MEM] to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 1:Check RAM to display the Check RAM screen.
The TI-83 expresses memory quantities in bytes.
Note: The $ in the left column of
the bottom row indicates that you
can scroll or page down to view
more variable types.
Note: Real, List, Y.Vars, and Prgm variable types never reset to
zero, even after memory is cleared.
To leave the Check RAM screen, press either y [QUIT] or
. Both options display the home screen.
Checking Available Memory
Displaying the
Check RAM