DRAW Instructions 8-11
8308DRAW.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:29 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:49
PM Page 11 of 20
To draw a circle directly on a displayed graph using the
cursor, follow these steps.
1. Select 9:Circle( from the DRAW menu.
2. Place the cursor at the center of the circle you want to
draw. Press Í.
3. Move the cursor to a point on the circumference. Press
Í to draw the circle on the graph.
Note: This circle is displayed as circular, regardless of the window
variable values, because you drew it directly on the display. When
you use the Circle( instruction from the home screen or a
program, the current window variables may distort the shape.
To continue drawing circles, repeat steps 2 and 3. To
cancel Circle(, press .
Circle( draws a circle with center (X,Y) and radius. These
values can be expressions.
Tip: When you use Circle( on the home screen or from a program,
the current window values may distort the drawn circle. Use ZSquare
(Chapter 3) before drawing the circle to adjust the window variables
and make the circle circular.
Drawing Circles
Drawing a Circle
Directly on a
Drawing a Circle
from the Home
Screen or a