3-6 Function Graphing
8303FUNC.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:16 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:35
PM Page 6 of 28
8303FUNC.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:16 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:35
PM Page 6 of 28
To define a function from the home screen or a program,
begin on a blank line and follow these steps.
1. Press ƒ [ã], enter the expression, and then press
ƒ [ã] again.
2. Press ¿.
3. Press ~ 1 to select 1:Function from the
4. Select the function name, which pastes the name to the
cursor location on the home screen or program editor.
5. Press Í to complete the instruction.
When the instruction is executed, the TI-83 stores the
expression to the designated variable Yn, selects the
function, and displays the message Done.
You can calculate the value of a Y= function Yn at a
specified value of X. A list of values returns a list.
Yn({value1,value2,value3, . . .,value n})
Defining a
Function from
the Home Screen
or a Program
Evaluating Y=
Functions in