12-34 Statistics
8312STAT.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:42 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37
PM Page 34 of 38
To define a plot, follow these steps.
1. Press y [STAT PLOT]. The STAT PLOTS menu is
displayed with the current plot definitions.
2. Select the plot you want to use. The stat plot editor is
displayed for the plot you selected.
3. Press Í to select On if you want to plot the
statistical data immediately. The definition is stored
whether you select On or Off.
4. Select the type of plot. Each type prompts for the
options checked in this table.
Plot Type XList YList Mark Freq Data
List Data
"Scatter œœœ
ÓxyLine œœœ
ÒHistogram œœœœ
ÕModBoxplot œœœ
ÖBoxplot œœœœ
ÔNormProbPlot œœœ
5. Enter list names or select options for the plot type.
Xlist (list name containing independent data)
Ylist (list name containing dependent data)
Mark ( or + or ¦)
Freq (frequency list for Xlist elements; default is 1)
Data List (list name for NormProbPlot)
Data Axis (axis on which to plot Data List)
Defining the