Matrices 10-3
8310MTRX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:35 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:36
PM Page 3 of 16
A matrix is a two-dimensional array. You can display,
define, or edit a matrix in the matrix editor. The TI-83 has
10 matrix variables, [A] through [J]. You can define a
matrix directly in an expression. A matrix, depending on
available memory, may have up to 99 rows or columns.
You can store only real numbers in TI-83 matrices.
Before you can define or display a matrix in the editor, you
first must select the matrix name. To do so, follow these
1. Press | to display the MATRX EDIT menu. The
dimensions of any previously defined matrices are
2. Select the matrix you want to define. The MATRX EDIT
screen is displayed.
The dimensions of the matrix (row × column) are
displayed on the top line. The dimensions of a new matrix
are 1 ×1. You must accept or change the dimensions each
time you edit a matrix. When you select a matrix to define,
the cursor highlights the row dimension.
To accept the row dimension, press Í.
To change the row dimension, enter the number of rows
(up to 99), and then press Í.
The cursor moves to the column dimension, which you
must accept or change the same way you accepted or
changed the row dimension. When you press Í, the
rectangular cursor moves to the first matrix element.
Defining a Matrix
What Is a Matrix?
Selecting a
Accepting or
Changing Matrix