Math, Angle, and Test Operations 2-5
To display the MATH menu, press .
1:4Frac Displays the answer as a fraction.
2:4Dec Displays the answer as a decimal.
3:3Calculates the cube.
4:3(Calculates the cube root.
5:xCalculates the xth root.
6:fMin( Finds the minimum of a function.
7:fMax( Finds the maximum of a function.
8:nDeriv( Computes the numerical derivative.
9:fnInt( Computes the function integral.
0:Solver... Displays the equation solver.
4Frac (display as a fraction) displays an answer as its
rational equivalent. You can use 4Frac with real or complex
numbers, expressions, lists, and matrices. If the answer
cannot be simplified or the resulting denominator is more
than three digits, the decimal equivalent is returned. You
can only use 4Frac following value.
value 4Frac
4Dec (display as a decimal) displays an answer in decimal
form. You can use 4Dec with real or complex numbers,
expressions, lists, and matrices. You can only use 4Dec
following value.
value 4Dec
MATH Operations