Math, Angle, and Test Operations 2-15
min( (minimum value) returns the smaller of valueA and
valueB or the smallest element in list. If listA and listB are
compared, min( returns a list of the smaller of each pair of
elements. If list and value are compared, min( compares
each element in list with value.
max( (maximum value) returns the larger of valueA and
valueB or the largest element in list. If listA and listB are
compared, max( returns a list of the larger of each pair of
elements. If list and value are compared, max( compares
each element in list with value.
min(valueA,valueB) max(valueA,valueB)
min(list) max(list)
min(listA,listB) max(listA,listB)
min(list,value) max(list,value)
Note: min( and max( also are available on the LIST MATH menu.
lcm( returns the least common multiple of valueA and
valueB, both of which must be nonnegative integers. When
listA and listB are specified, lcm( returns a list of the lcm
of each pair of elements. If list and value are specified,
lcm( finds the lcm of each element in list and value.
gcd( returns the greatest common divisor of valueA and
valueB, both of which must be nonnegative integers. When
listA and listB are specified, gcd( returns a list of the gcd
of each pair of elements. If list and value are specified,
gcd( finds the gcd of each element in list and value.
lcm(valueA,valueB) gcd(valueA,valueB)
lcm(listA,listB) gcd(listA,listB)
lcm(list,value) gcd(list,value)