Programming 16-7
8316PROG.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:23 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:39
PM Page 7 of 22
To copy all command lines from one program into a new
program, follow steps 1 through 5 for Creating a New
Program (page 16.4), and then follow these steps.
1. Press y [RCL]. Rcl is displayed on the bottom line of
the program editor in the new program (Chapter 1).
2. Press | to display the PRGM EXEC menu.
3. Select a name from the menu. prgmname is pasted to
the bottom line of the program editor.
4. Press Í. All command lines from the selected
program are copied into the new program.
Copying programs has at least two convenient
• You can create a template for groups of instructions
that you use frequently.
• You can rename a program by copying its contents into
a new program.
Note: You also can copy all the command lines from one existing
program to another existing program using RCL.
The TI-83 sorts PRGM EXEC and PRGM EDIT menu items
automatically into alphanumerical order. Each menu only
labels the first 10 items using 1 through 9, then 0.
To jump to the first program name that begins with a
particular alpha character or q, press ƒ [letter from A
to Z or
Tip: From the top of either the PRGM EXEC or PRGM EDIT menu,
press } to move to the bottom. From the bottom, press † to move to
the top. To scroll the cursor down the menu seven items, press ƒ
†. To scroll the cursor up the menu seven items, press ƒ }.
Copying and Renaming ProgramsCopying and
Renaming a
Scrolling the