16-16 Programming
8316PROG.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:23 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:39
PM Page 16 of 22
To display the PRGM I/O (program input/output) menu,
press ~ from within the program editor only.
1:Input Enters a value or uses the cursor.
2:Prompt Prompts for entry of variable values.
3:Disp Displays text, value, or the home screen.
4:DispGraph Displays the current graph.
5:DispTable Displays the current table.
6:Output( Displays text at a specified position.
7:getKey Checks the keyboard for a keystroke.
8:ClrHome Clears the display.
9:ClrTable Clears the current table.
0:GetCalc( Gets a variable from another TI-83.
A:Get( Gets a variable from CBL 2/CBL or CBR.
B:Send( Sends a variable to CBL 2/CBL or CBR.
These instructions control input to and output from a
program during execution. They allow you to enter values
and display answers during program execution.
To return to the program editor without selecting an item,
press ‘.
Input without a variable displays the current graph. You
can move the free-moving cursor, which updates X and Y
(and R and q for PolarGC format). The pause indicator is
on. Press Í to resume program execution.
Program Output
PRGM I/O (Input/Output) InstructionsPRGM I/O Menu
Displaying a
Graph with Input