Operating the TI-83 1-21
8301OPER.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:09 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:34
PM Page 21 of 24
You can enter the names of functions and system variables
in an expression or store to them directly.
To display the VARS menu, press . All VARS menu
items display secondary menus, which show the names of
the system variables. 1:Window, 2:Zoom, and 5:Statistics
each access more than one secondary menu.
1:Window... X/Y, T/q, and U/V/W variables
2:Zoom... ZX/ZY, ZT/Zq, and ZU variables
3:GDB... Graph database variables
4:Picture... Picture variables
5:Statistics... XY, G, EQ, TEST, and PTS variables
6:Table... TABLE variables
7:String... String variables
To display the VARS Y.VARS menu, press ~.
1:Function, 2:Parametric, and 3:Polar display secondary
menus of the Y= function variables.
1:Function... Yn functions
2:Parametric... XnT, YnT functions
3:Polar... rn functions
4:On/Off... Lets you select/deselect functions
Note: The sequence variables (u, v, w) are located on the keyboard
as the second functions of ¬, −, and ®.
To select a variable from the VARS or VARS Y.VARS menu,
follow these steps.
1. Display the VARS or VARS Y.VARS menu.
• Press to display the VARS menu.
• Press ~ to display the VARS Y.VARS menu.
2. Select the type of variable, such as 2:Zoom from the
VARS menu or 3:Polar from the VARS Y.VARS menu. A
secondary menu is displayed.
3. If you selected 1:Window, 2:Zoom, or 5:Statistics from
the VARS menu, you can press ~ or | to display other
secondary menus.
4. Select a variable name from the menu. It is pasted to the
cursor location.
Selecting a
Variable from the
VARS Menu or