Programming 16-15
8316PROG.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:23 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:39
PM Page 15 of 22
Use prgm to execute other programs as subroutines (page
16.22). When you select prgm, it is pasted to the cursor
location. Enter characters to spell a program name. Using
prgm is equivalent to selecting existing programs from the
PRGM EXEC menu; however, it allows you to enter the
name of a program that you have not yet created.
Note: You cannot directly enter the subroutine name when using RCL.
You must paste the name from the PRGM EXEC menu (page 16.7).
Return quits the subroutine and returns execution to the
calling program (page 16.22), even if encountered within
nested loops. Any loops are ended. An implied Return
exists at the end of any program that is called as a
subroutine. Within the main program, Return stops
execution and returns to the home screen.
Stop stops execution of a program and returns to the home
screen. Stop is optional at the end of a program.
DelVar deletes from memory the contents of variable.
DelVar variable
GraphStyle( designates the style of the graph to be drawn.
function# is the number of the Y= function name in the
current graphing mode. graphstyle is a number from 1 to 7
that corresponds to the graph style, as shown below.
1 = ç (line) 5 = ë (path)
2 = è (thick) 6 = ì (animate)
3 = é (shade above) 7 = í (dot)
4 = ê (shade below)
For example, GraphStyle(1,5) in Func mode sets the graph
style for Y1 to ë (path; 5).
Not all graph styles are available in all graphing modes. For
a detailed description of each graph style, see the Graph
Styles table in Chapter 3.