8399INDX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/20/01 10:54 AM Printed: 02/21/01 8:40
AM Page 12 of 16
. S (continued) .
seconds DMS notation ("),
Select(, 11-12, A-25
data points from a plot, 11-13
functions from the home screen or a
program, 3-8
functions in the Y= editor, 3-7
items from menus, 4
stat plots from the Y= editor, 3-7
Send( (send to CBL 2/CBL or CBR),
16-21, A-26
sending. See transmitting
Seq (sequence graphing mode), 1-11,
seq( (sequence), 11-12, A-26
sequence graphing
axes format, 6-8
CALC (calculate menu), 6-10
defining and displaying, 6-3
evaluating, 6-10
free-moving cursor, 6-9
graph format, 6-8
graph styles, 6-4
moving the cursor to a value, 6-9
nonrecursive sequences, 6-5
phase plots, 6-13
recursive sequences, 6-6
setting sequence mode, 6-3
selecting and deselecting, 6-4
TI.83 versus TI.82 table, 6-15
tracing, 6-9
web plots, 6-11
window variables, 6-7
Y= editor, 6-4
ZOOM (zoom menu), 6-10
Sequential (graphing order mode),
1-12, A-26
service information, B-12
display contrast, 1-3
graph styles, 3-9
graph styles from a program, 3-10
modes, 1-9
modes from a program, 1-9
split-screen modes, 9-3
split-screen modes from a program,
tables from a program, 7-3
. S (continued) .
SetUpEditor, 12-21, A-26
shade above (é) graph style, 3-9
shade below (ê) graph style, 3-10
Shade(, 8-9, A-26
Shadec2(, 13-36, A-26
ShadeÛ(, 13-36, A-27
ShadeNorm(, 13-35, A-27
Shade_t(, 13-36, A-27
shading graph areas, 3-10, 8-10
Simul (simultaneous graphing order
mode), 1-12, A-27
sin( (sine), 2-3, A-27
sinM1( (arcsine), 2-3, A-27
sine (sin(), 2-3, A-27
sine regression formula, A-50
sinh( (hyperbolic sine), 15-10, A-27
sinhM1( (hyperbolic arcsine), 15-10,
SinReg (sinusoidal regression), 12-27,
Smart Graph, 3-15
solve(, 2-12, A-28
Solver, 2-8
solving for variables in the equation
solver, 2-10, 2-11
SortA( (sort ascending), 11-10, 12-20,
SortD( (sort descending), 11-10, 12-20,
split-screen modes
G.T (graph-table) mode, 9-5
Horiz (horizontal) mode, 9-4
setting, 9-3, 9-6
split-screen values, 8-12, 8-16, 9-6
square (2), 2- 3, A-36
square root ((), 2- 3, A-37
STAT CALC menu, 12-24
STAT EDIT menu, 12-20
stat list editor
attaching formulas to list names,
clearing elements from lists, 12-12
creating list names, 12-12
detaching formulas from list names,
displaying, 12-10
edit-elements context, 12-18