8399INDX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/20/01 10:54 AM Printed: 02/21/01 8:40
AM Page 13 of 16
. S (continued) .
stat list editor (continued)
editing elements of formula-
generated lists, 12-16
editing list elements, 12-13
enter-names context, 12-19
entering list names, 12-11
formula-generated list names, 12-15
removing lists, 12-12
restoring list names L1L6, 12-12,
switching contexts, 12-17
view-elements context, 12-18
view-names context, 12-19
STAT PLOTS menu, 12-34
stat tests and confidence intervals
ANOVA( (one-way analysis of
variance), 13-25
c².Test (chi-square test), 13-22
LinRegTTest (linear regression
t test), 13-24
1.PropZInt (one-proportion
z confidence interval), 13-20
1.PropZTest (one-proportion z test),
2.PropZInt (two-proportion
z confidence interval), 13-21
2.PropZTest (two-proportion z test),
2.SampÛTest (two-sample Û.Test),
2.SampTInt (two-sample
t confidence interval), 13-19
2.SampTTest (two-sample t test),
2.SampZInt (two-sample
z confidence interval), 13-18
2.SampZTest (two-sample z test),
TInterval (one-sample t confidence
interval), 13-17
T.Test (one-sample t test), 13-11
ZInterval (one-sample z confidence
interval), 13-16
Z.Test (one-sample z test), 13-10
Stats input option, 13-6, 13-7
STAT TESTS menu, 13-9
statistical distribution functions. See
distribution functions
. S (continued) .
statistical plotting, 12-31
Boxplot (regular box plot), 12-33
defining, 12-34
from a program, 12-37
Histogram, 12-32
ModBoxplot (modified box plot),
NormProbPlot (normal probability
plot), 12-33
Scatter, 12-31
tracing, 12-36
turning on/off stat plots, 3-7, 12-35
viewing window, 12-36
xyLine, 12-31
statistical variables table, 12-29
stdDev( (standard deviation), 11-18,
Stop, 16-15, A-28
Store (!), 1-14, A-28
StoreGDB, 8-19, A-28
StorePic, 8-17, A-29
graph databases (GDBs), 8-19
graph pictures, 8-17
variable values, 1-14
String4Equ( (string-to-equation
conversions), 15-8, A-29
strings, 15-3 to 15-9
concatenation (+), 15-6, A-38
converting, 15-7, 15-8
defined, 15-3
displaying contents, 15-5
entering, 15-3
functions in CATALOG, 15-6
indicator ("), 15-3
length (length(), 15-8, A-13
storing, 15-5
variables, 15-4
student-t distribution
probability (tcdf(), 13-31, A-29
probability density function (tpdf(),
13-30, A-30
sub( (substring), 15-9, A-29
subroutines, 16-15, 16-22
subtraction (N), 2-3, A-38
sum( (summation), 11-18, A-29
system variables, A-49