8300INTR.DOC TI-83 Intl English, Title Page Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 11:26 AM Printed: 02/19/01 1:46
PM Page vii of 8
Getting Started: Financing a Car......................... 14-2
Getting Started: Computing Compound Interest.......... 14-3
Using the TVM Solver .................................... 14-4
Using the Financial Functions ........................... 14-5
Calculating Time Value of Money (TVM)................. 14-6
Calculating Cash Flows.................................. 14-8
Calculating Amortization ................................ 14-9
Calculating Interest Conversion..........................14-12
Finding Days between Dates/Defining Payment Method ..... 14-13
Using the TVM Variables................................. 14-14
Browsing the TI-83 CATALOG ........................... 15-2
Entering and Using Strings............................... 15-3
Storing Strings to String Variables ....................... 15-4
String Functions and Instructions in the CATALOG...... 15-6
Hyperbolic Functions in the CATALOG ..................15-10
Getting Started: Volume of a Cylinder.................... 16-2
Creating and Deleting Programs ......................... 16-4
Entering Command Lines and Executing Programs...... 16-5
Editing Programs........................................ 16-6
Copying and Renaming Programs........................ 16-7
PRGM CTL (Control) Instructions ....................... 16-8
PRGM I/O (Input/Output) Instructions ...................16-16
Calling Other Programs as Subroutines.................. 16-22
Comparing Test Results Using Box Plots ................ 17-2
Graphing Piecewise Functions........................... 17-4
Graphing Inequalities.................................... 17-5
Solving a System of Nonlinear Equations ................ 17-6
Using a Program to Create the Sierpinski Triangle....... 17-7
Graphing Cobweb Attractors ............................ 17-8
Using a Program to Guess the Coefficients............... 17-9
Graphing the Unit Circle and Trigonometric Curves......17-10
Finding the Area between Curves........................ 17-11
Using Parametric Equations: Ferris Wheel Problem...... 17-12
Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus... 17-14
Computing Areas of Regular N-Sided Polygons .......... 17-16
Computing and Graphing Mortgage Payments ........... 17-18
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17: