8399INDX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/20/01 10:54 AM Printed: 02/21/01 8:40
AM Page 16 of 16
. X .
XFact zoom factor, 3-24
x-intercept of a root, 3-26
xor (Boolean) exclusive or operator,
2-26, A-32
xth root (x), 2-6
xyLine (Ó) plot type, 12-31
@X window variable, 3-12
. Y .
YFact zoom factor, 3-24
Y= editor
function graphing, 3-5
parametric graphing, 4-4
polar graphing, 5-3
sequence graphing, 6-4
Y.VARS menu
Function, 1-21
Parametric, 1-21
Polar, 1-21
On/Off, 1-21
@Y window variable, 3-12
. Z .
ZBox, 3-20, A-32
ZDecimal, 3-21, A-32
zero operation on a graph, 3-26
ZInteger, 3-22, A-32
ZInterval (one-sample z confidence
interval), 13-16, A-32
zoom, 3-20 to 3-24
cursor, 3-20
factors, 3-24
function graphing, 3-20
parametric graphing, 4-8
polar graphing, 5-6
sequence graphing, 6-10
ZoomFit (zoom to fit function), 3-22,
Zoom In (zoom in), 3-21, A-32
ZOOM menu, 3-20
ZOOM MEMORY menu, 3-23
Zoom Out (zoom out), 3-21, A-32
ZoomRcl (recall stored window), 3-23,
ZoomStat (statistics zoom), 3-22, A-33
. Z (continued) .
ZoomSto (store zoom window), 3-23,
ZPrevious (use previous window),
3-23, A-33
ZSquare (set square pixels), 3-21, A-33
ZStandard (use standard window),
3-22, A-33
Z.Test (one-sample z test), 13-10, A-34
ZTrig (trigonometric window), 3-22,