Lists 11-13
8311LIST.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 1:21 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37 PM
Page 13 of 18
Before using Select(, follow these steps.
1. Create two list names and enter the data.
2. Turn on a stat plot, select " (scatter plot) or Ó (xyLine),
and enter the two list names for Xlist: and Ylist: (Chapter
3. Use ZoomStat to plot the data (Chapter 3).
To select data points from a scatter plot or xyLine plot,
follow these steps.
1. Press y [LIST] ~ 8 to select 8:Select( from the LIST
OPS menu. Select( is pasted to the home screen.
2. Enter xlistname, press ¢, enter ylistname, and then
press ¤ to designate list names into which you want
the selected data to be stored.
3. Press Í. The graph screen is displayed with
Left Bound? in the bottom-left corner.
4. Press } or (if more than one stat plot is selected) to
move the cursor onto the stat plot from which you want
to select data points.
5. Press | and ~ to move the cursor to the stat plot data
point that you want as the left bound.
Before Using
Using Select( to
Select Data
Points from a