Math, Angle, and Test Operations 2-23
To display the ANGLE menu, press y [ANGLE]. The ANGLE
menu displays angle indicators and instructions. The
Radian/Degree mode setting affects the TI-83’s
interpretation of ANGLE menu entries.
1:¡Degree notation
2:' DMS minute notation
3:rRadian notation
4:8DMS Displays as degree/minute/second
5:R8Pr( Returns r, given X and Y
6:R8Pq(Returns q, given X and Y
7:P8Rx( Returns x, given R and q
8:P8Ry( Returns y, given R and q
DMS (degrees/minutes/seconds) entry notation comprises
the degree symbol (¡), the minute symbol ('), and the
second symbol ("). degrees must be a real number;
minutes and seconds must be real numbers �� 0.
For example, enter for 30 degrees, 1 minute, 23 seconds. If
the angle mode is not set to Degree, you must use ¡ so that
the TI-83 can interpret the argument as degrees, minutes,
and seconds.
Degree mode Radian mode
¡ (degree) designates an angle or list of angles as degrees,
regardless of the current angle mode setting. In Radian
mode, you can use ¡ to convert degrees to radians.
{value1,value2,value3,value4,...,value n}¡
¡ also designates degrees (D) in DMS format.
' (minutes) designates minutes (M) in DMS format.
" (seconds) designates seconds (S) in DMS format.
Note: " is not on the ANGLE menu. To enter ", press ƒ [ã].
ANGLE Operations
DMS Entry
¡ (Degree)