Index8399INDX.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/20/01 10:54 AM Printed: 02/21/01 8:40
AM Page 1 of 16
+(addition), 2-3, A-38
c2cdf( (chi-square cdf), 13-31, A-3
c2pdf( (chi-square pdf), 13-31, A-4
c2.Test (chi-square test), 13-22, A-4
:(colon), 6, 16-5
+(concatenation), 15-6, A-38
3(cube), 2-6, A-35
3‡((cube root), 2-6, A-35
¡(degrees notation),
à(division), 2-3, A-37
=(equal-to relational test), 2-25,
!(factorial), 2-21, A-34
ì(graph style, animate), 3-9
í(graph style, dot), 3-9
ç(graph style, line), 3-9
>(greater than), 2-25, A-35
‚(greater than or equal to), 2-25,
L1(inverse), 2-3, 8-9, 10-10, A-36
<(less than), 2-25, A-35
(less than or equal to), 2-25, A-36
{ } (list indicator), 11-4
[ ] (matrix indicator), 10-7
'(minutes notation), 2-23, A-38
ä(multiplication), 2-3, A-37
M(negation), 1-23, 2-4, A-37
ƒ(not equal to), 2-25, A-35
( ) (parentheses), 1-23
p(pi), 2-4
›(pixel mark), 8-15, 12-34
+(pixel mark), 8-15, 12-34
¦(pixel mark), 8-15, 12-34
Ö(plot type, box), 12-33
Ò(plot type, histogram), 12-32
Õ(plot type, modified box), 12-32
Ô(plot type, normal probability),
^(power), 2-3, A-36, A-37
10^( (power of ten), 2-4, A-37
x‡(root), 2-6, A-35
"(seconds notation), 2-23, A-38
2(square), 2- 3, A-36
‡((square root), 2- 3, A-37
!Store, 1-14, A-28
" " (string indicator), 15-3
N(subtraction), 2-3, A-38
. A .
a+bi (rectangular complex mode),
1-12, 2-16, A-3
above graph style(é), 3-9
abs( (absolute value), 2-13, 2-19,
10-10, A-2
accuracy information
computational and graphing, B-10
graphing, 3-17
function limits and results, B-11
addition (+), 2-3, A-38
alpha cursor, 1-5
alpha key, 3
alpha-lock, 1-8
alternative hypothesis, 13-7
bal( (amortization balance), 14-9,
calculating schedules, 14-9
formula, A-56
GInt( (sum of interest),14
9, A-12
GPrn( (sum of principal), 14-9, A-19
and (Boolean operator), 2-26, A-2
angle(, 2-19, A-2
ANGLE menu, 2-23
angle modes, 1-11
animate graph style (ì), 3-9
ANOVA( (one-way variance analysis),
13-25, A-2
formula, A-51
Ans (last answer), 1-18, A-2
APDé (Automatic Power Down™), 1-2
applications. See examples,
arccosine (cosM1(), 2-3
arcsine (sinM1(), 2-3
arctangent (tanM1(), 2-3
augment(, 10-14, 11-15, A-3
Automatic Power Down™ (APDé), 1-2
automatic regression equation, 12-22
automatic residual list (RESID), 12-22
axes format, sequence graphing, 6-8
axes, displaying (AxesOn, AxesOff),
3-14, A-3
AxesOff, 3-14, A-3
AxesOn, 3-14, A-3