16-bit constant into upper bits of register
(MVKH and MVKLH) 3-185
between control file and register file
(MVC) 3-180
from register to register (MV) 3-178
signed constant into register and sign extend
(MVK) 3-183
signed constant into register and sign extend
(MVKL) 3-187
MPY instruction 3-143
MPYDP instruction 3-145
.M-unit instruction constraints 4-44
pipeline operation 4-31
MPYH instruction 3-147
MPYHL instruction 3-149
MPYHLU instruction 3-151
MPYHSLU instruction 3-152
MPYHSU instruction 3-153
MPYHU instruction 3-154
MPYHULS instruction 3-155
MPYHUS instruction 3-156
MPYI instruction 3-157
.M-unit instruction constraints 4-42
pipeline operation 4-29
MPYID instruction 3-159
.M-unit instruction constraints 4-43
pipeline operation 4-30
MPYLH instruction 3-161
MPYLHU instruction 3-163
MPYLSHU instruction 3-164
MPYLUHS instruction 3-165
MPYSP instruction 3-166
.M-unit instruction constraints 4-45
MPYSPDP instruction 3-168
.M-unit instruction constraints 4-46
pipeline operation 4-32
MPYSP2DP instruction 3-170
.M-unit instruction constraints 4-47
pipeline operation 4-33
MPYSU instruction 3-172
MPYU instruction 3-174
MPYUS instruction 3-176
multicycle NOP with no termination until interrupt
(IDLE) 3-116
multicycle NOPs 4-58
32-bit by 32-bit
into 32-bit result (MPYI) 3-157
into 64-bit result (MPYID) 3-159
double-precision (MPYDP) 3-145
single-precision (MPYSP) 3-166
single-precision by double-precision
(MPYSPDP) 3-168
single-precision for double-precision result
(MPYSP2DP) 3-170
signed by signed
signed 16 LSB by signed 16 LSB
(MPY) 3-143
signed 16 LSB by signed 16 LSB with left shift
and saturation (SMPY) 3-219
signed 16 LSB by signed 16 MSB
(MPYLH) 3-161
signed 16 LSB by signed 16 MSB with left
shift and saturation (SMPYLH) 3-224
signed 16 MSB by signed 16 LSB
(MPYHL) 3-149
signed 16 MSB by signed 16 LSB with left
shift and saturation (SMPYHL) 3-222
signed 16 MSB by signed 16 MSB
(MPYH) 3-147
signed 16 MSB by signed 16 MSB with left
shift and saturation (SMPYH) 3-221
signed by unsigned
signed 16 LSB by unsigned 16 LSB
(MPYSU) 3-172
signed 16 LSB by unsigned 16 MSB
(MPYLSHU) 3-164
signed 16 MSB by unsigned 16 LSB
(MPYHSLU) 3-152
signed 16 MSB by unsigned 16 MSB
(MPYHSU) 3-153
unsigned by signed
unsigned 16 LSB by signed 16 LSB
(MPYUS) 3-176
unsigned 16 LSB by signed 16 MSB
(MPYLUHS) 3-165
unsigned 16 MSB by signed 16 LSB
(MPYHULS) 3-155
unsigned 16 MSB by signed 16 MSB
(MPYHUS) 3-156