Address Assignment 100 Alert 177
alternative subnet mask notation 208 AP 21
AP (Access Point) 243
AP Mode menu 56 overview 53 status screen 54
AP+Bridge 21
Backup configuration 182 Bandwidth management
overview 149 priority 154 services 155
BitTorrent 156 Bridge/Repeater 21 BSS 241
CA 248
Certificate Authority 248 certifications 257
notices 259 viewing 259
Channel 31, 55, 243
Interference 243 channel 76 Configuration
backup 182
reset the factory defaults 184
restore 183 content filtering 139
by keyword (in URL) 140 by web feature 139
copyright 257 CPU usage 31, 55
CTS (Clear to Send) 244
Daylight saving 174 DDNS 129
see also Dynamic DNS service providers 130
DHCP 34, 115 DHCP server
see also Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP client information 118
DHCP client list 118 DHCP server 112, 115
DHCP table 34, 118 DHCP client information DHCP status
Dimensions 199 disclaimer 257 DNS 49, 117
DNS server
see also Domain name system DNS Server 100
DNS server 117 Domain name 41
vs host name. see also system name Domain Name System 117
Domain Name System. See DNS. duplex setting 32, 56
Dynamic DNS 129
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 115 Dynamic WEP Key Exchange 248 DynDNS 130