3Com S330 manual 245, Ima

Models: S330

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deletion of Group 1 when DS3/E3 module installed 57, 92

modifying 97

selecting type (IMA or UNI) 94, 96


HDLC/SDLC applications 219

HDLC/SDLC mode 219

Hello Time 197


I/O Cabling, connecting 40 icons, notice 2

idle timer 125


See also inverse multiplexing. group queues 211

IMA group status, viewing 100 IMA groups

adding 94 configuring 92 deleting 97 modifying 97

viewing or modifying existing 97 IMA ID 96

IMA link status, viewing 98 inband lpbk 91

in-band management, configuring 72 in-band virtual circuit 137

index 163 installation 29

general procedure 30 in a rack 38 optional modules 35 overview 30 procedures 33

rack mounting 37 site requirements 32

interface card, resetting 80 internal timing 214 interworking

network 221 service 220

interworking mode 152 inverse multiplexing 3, 7

Inverse Multiplexing Algorithm. See IMA. IP address

setting Ethernet port 66 setting for in-band circuit 151 specifying for default gateway 68 specifying for trap client 68

IP host setup 66


LAN connectivity 231 LBO Length 105 LBO. See line build out. least delay link 102 LEDs

CBR module 55, 56 common 40, 41 DS3 UNI module 57 Ethernet port 51 LOCD (RED) DS3 LOF (RED) DS3


management CPU 81 normal startup sequence 40 OC3/STM-1 port 53

serial port 50

T1/E1 UNI interface 42 line build out 123, 131 line code 91, 123, 132 link type 108

List Card menu 82

List Forwarding Table 119

List Virtual Circuit Detail screen 157, 158 List Virtual Circuit Summary screen 157 LMI Configuration menu 109

Local Card 181, 182 local card loopback 180 local host IP address

configuring 65

Local Host IP Configuration menu 65 local management interface. See LMI. location 119

logging on 59 Loopback menu 179

OC3/STM-1 180 loopbacks 179

CBR T1-DSX/E1 182 local card 180 network 182, 183 network line 180 OC3/STM-1 181 OCC3/STM-1 181 T1/E1 UNI interface 180

LOS 56


M Factor See Multiplex (M) Factor MAC address 119

MAC MTU Exceeded 195 Main menu 60

options 61

Manage Bridge menu 113 Manage IP Network Configuration

menu 65

Manage Video Dial menu 160 Management 57, 209 management CPU 151, 209

alarms 81 configuring 75 configuring shapers 83 LEDs 81

viewing configuration information 83 management terminal

connecting 57, 58, 59 max. link delay 96 Maximum Age 197 MCPU Shapers screen 84 MCPU.See management CPU. memory partition

See also buffers. Menus 61


changing settings on 62 hierarchy 61

how to navigate 61 min oper. ports 96 min startup ports 96 min. flag bytes 109 modes

ATM DXI 215, 217

frame protocol 214 Frame Relay 219 HDLC/SDLC 219 protocol 214

module and application overview 209 Multiplex (M) Factor 130

multi-point video conferencing 141, 240


NE Number of Failures 188 NE Rx failure 99

NE Rx state 99 NE state 101

NE state last changed 102 NE Tx state 99 Network Card 181, 182 network interworking 221 Network Line 181, 182 network line loopback 180 network loopback 182, 183 network supplier support 206 noise injection 130

notice icons 2

num. of IMA group(s) 103


OC3/STM-1 port 213 configuring 104 connecting 52

connecting (multi-mode fiber) 52 connecting (single-mode fiber) 52 data flow 213

LEDs 53 loopbacks 181 principles of operation 213 statistics 189

virtual circuit parameters 151 OC3/STM-1 UNI port

ATM statistics 189 online technical services 205

oper. link delay. See operational link delay

operation group 103

operation LDS. See operation link delay. operation lInk delay 100

operation port(s) 101 operational link delay 102 operational status 88 optional modules

installing 35

ordering additional equipment 27 output queues

priorities 211

output queues. See also buffers. 210


Part # 81

partial packet discard 212 parts list 27 passwords

changing default 63, 70 default 60

setting 69 PathBuilder 27 Pathbuilder 330 features 5

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3Com S330 manual 245, Ima