Chapter5: Configuring System Parameters
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 89
Configuring the System Date and TimeIt is important to set the system date and time so the alarms and events logs reflect the actual
time each event occurred. From the ::system=> prompt, type the time command in the
following format then press .
time <hh>:<mm>:[<ss>] [<mm>/<dd>/<yyyy>]
The current hour represented in two-digit 24-hour format (for example, 2 a.m. is
represented by the numbers 02, and 2 p.m. is represented by the number 14).
The current minute represented in two-digit format (for example, 03).
The current second represented in two-digit format (for example, 03).
The current month represented in numerical format (for example, August is represented by
8 or 08).
The current day of the month (for example, 5 or 05).
The current year, in four-digit format (1999).
::system=> time 02:03:03 07/05/1999
The Avidia system automatically supports leap year dates.