Configuring Bridging and Routing Sessions
230 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
[-stppri <priority>]
Omit this parameter if you specified route for the service type. This parameter sets the
STP priority for the session. The valid range is from 0 to 255, with 0 being the highest
priority. The default value is 128.
[-stpcost <cost>]
Omit this parameter if you specified route for the service type. This parameter sets the
STP path cost for the session. The valid range is from 1 to 65535. The value 1 is the lowest
cost, reflecting the greatest efficiency. The default value is 250 for WAN ports and 100 for
LAN ports.
[-admin (up|down)]
The admin status of the session. Up enables the session. Down disables the session.
::session=> new 4.2 100 100 llc-snap -subs company123 -service
broute -ipaddr -mask -admin up
::session=> new 4.2 100 100 vcmuxbr -subs company-a -service
bridge -stppri 128 -stpcost 250 -admin down
Modifying SessionsFrom the ::session=> prompt, type the modify command in the following format then press
modify <index> [-admin (up|down)][-subs <subscriber>] [-service
(bridge|{{route|broute}[-ipaddr <ipaddr> -mask
<ipmask>]}|none)] [-encap(llc-snap|vcmuxbr|vcmuxrt)][-stppri
<priority>] [-stpcost <cost>]