Chapter26: Monitoring Network Connections
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 521
Line Current Performance
Port The port number for which the Line current performance is
displayed (each line card has two ports).
Status Options:
sonetLineNoDefectThere are no errors on the SONET
sonetLineAIS (Alarm Indication Signal)There is an alarm
at the local end of the SONET line.
SonetLineRDI (Remote Defect Indication)There is an
alarm at the remote end of the SONET line.
Errored Seconds The number of seconds in the current 15 minute perform ance
monitoring interval during which at least one Line layer bipolar
error was detected or an Alarm Indication Signal - Line (AIS-L)
error was present.
Severely Errored Seconds The number of seconds in the current 15 minute perfor mance
monitoring interval during which 2,500 or more Line layer
bipolar errors were detected or an AIS-L error was present.
Coding Violation The number of bipolar errors detected at the Line layer.
Unavailable Seconds The number of seconds during which the line was unavailable.
A line becomes unavailable at ten consecutive severely errored
Far End Errored Seconds T he number of seconds during which at least one Line layer
bipolar error was reported by the far-end or a Remote Defect
Indicator - Line (RDI-L) error was present.
Far End Severely Errored
Seconds The number of seconds during which 2,500 or more Line layer
bipolar errors were reported by the far end or an RDI-L error
was present.
Far End Code Violations The number of bipolar errors detected by the far end and
reported back to the near end.
Far End Unavailable Seconds The number of seconds during which the line is unavailable at
the far end.
Information Description