Monitoring IDSL Performance
516 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
4In the IDSL Current Performance window, you can do any of the following:
•Click Get to refresh the window with current data.
•In the Port box, select another port to monitor, then click Go.
•In the Slot box, select another slot to monitor, then click Go.
The IDSL Current Performance window provides the following information. Network indicates
statistics for the upstream direction, toward the network. Customer indicates statistics for the
downstream direction, toward the customer.
Status Box Description
The description, slot number and port number of the
SDSL card for which the statistics are displayed.
Node ID The node for which current performance is displayed.
Hourly Errored Seconds
(Network/Customer) The number of errored seconds since this hour began.
Daily Errored Seconds
(Network/Customer) The number of errored seconds since this day began.
Hourly Severely Errored Seconds
(Network/Customer) The number of severely errored seconds since this
hour began.
Daily Severely Errored Seconds
(Network/Customer) The number of severely errored seconds since this day