Chapter20: Configuring Subscriber Services
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 413
3In the Clock Source box, select the transmit clock source for the IDSL card (Local, System A,
or System B).
LocalThe IDSL card derives timing from the IDSL card clock.
System AThe IDSL card derives timing from the Avidia system reference clock on
channel A.
System BThe IDSL card derives timing from the Avidia system reference clock on
channel B.
4In the Line Profile boxes, type the desired line profile index for each port you want to
Click the Line Profile Browse button to display the configured profiles. If the desired profile
is not yet configured, you can configure it now. See Configuring IDSL Line Profiles on
page 406 for instructions.
5In the Alarm Profile boxes, type the desired alarm profile index for each port you want to
Click the Alarm Profile Browse button to display the configured profiles. If the desired profile
is not yet configured, you can configure it now. See Configuring IDSL Alarm Profiles on
page 408 for instructions.
6In the Circuit ID boxes, enter the circuit identifier for the port.
The circuit ID is the transmission vendors circuit identifier for the port. This identifier,
which can facilitate troubleshooting, can be up to 255 characters.
7Do one of the following:
Click Set to activate the new settings.
Click Get to cancel the new settings. You can only cancel the settings if you have not
clicked Set.
In the Slot box select the slot number to configure ports on another card.