Monitoring ADSL Status
508 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
The ADSL Loop Status window provides the following information:
Status Box Description
The description, slot number and port number of the
ADSL card for which the statistics are displayed.
Oper Status The current operational state of the interface. Options:
UpThe interface is operational and ready to
receive packets.
DownThe interface is not operational.
Admin Status The configured state of the interface. Options:
UpThe interface is activated.
DownThe interface is deactivated.
Current Transmit Rate
(Upstream/Downstream) The rate at which data is currently transmitting.
Current Output Power
(Upstream/Downstream) The actual transmit output power in dBm.
SNR Margin (1/10 dB)
(Upstream/Downstream) The signal-to-noise ratio of the signal received by the
ATU in 1/10 dB.
Line Attenuation (1/10 dB)
(Upstream/Downstream) The measured difference between the total power
transmitted by the sending ATU and the total power
received by the receiving ATU in 1/10 dB.
Interleave Delay (ms)
(Upstream/Downstream) The number of milliseconds delay that is occurring
between interleaved data bits.
Errored Seconds (Upstream/Downstream) The number of seconds since the counter was last
cleared during which errors occur that prevent the
payload from being corrected.
Loss of Frame (Upstream/Downstream) The number of seconds since the counter was last
cleared during which the frames on the ADSL interface
lose sync.
Loss of Signal (Upstream/Downstream) The number of intervals since the counter was last
cleared during which a loss of signal condition has