Configuring DS1 Service
144 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Configuring DS1 Ports
From the ::ds1=> prompt, type the set command in the following format then press .
set <port> [-type (esf|d4)[-coding (b8zs|ami)]
[-clock (loop|local)] [-lbo index] [-trap (enabled|disabled)]
[-admin (up|down)]
[-id (<circuit identifier>|"<circuit identifier with spaces>")]
[-loopback (none|local|line|payload|remote)]
[-scrambling (enable|disable)]
The channel slot and port number (format slot.port).
[-type (esf|d4)]
The type of DS1 line, either Extended Superframe or AT&T D4). Type -type esf or
-type d4.
[-coding (b8zs|ami)]
The type of coding on the line. Type -coding b8zs or -coding ami.
[-clock (loop|local)]
The type of clocking, either loop timing or local timing. Type -clock loop or -clock